
Archive for March, 2010

No more vacation

I’m back from vacation. My bag was accidentally taken by another passenger as we got off the boat, and didn’t get the bag back until Tuesday. My running shoes were in the bag, so that sucked. But now I have all my important equipment, so I can get down to business avoiding running. Good thing I’m doing an 11 mile run on Wednesday for St. Patty’s day (it’s a run and Guinness event). Also doing a half marathon on Sunday. So this week I can’t push off running until “tomorrow”.

I’ve been active…. going to the gym, biking to work, going rock climbing, walking. But it’s not as much as what I want to do. It’s hard to fit everything into life.

I’ll start being good tomorrow. I will not watch the first season of 24. I will not waste time in other ways. I will get my taxes done, call my mother, look up information about grad school, feed my cats, and water my plants. I will go to the gym so I can get that reimbursement from Blue Cross. I will go running so Wednesday isn’t the first time I do distance in two weeks.

Sigh. Vacation attitudes always extend far longer into regular life than they should. I keep buying lunch when I shouldn’t, and taking taxis when I really should take the train. Yesterday I was talking to a friend I’ve known since high school, and she mentioned that she used to go to the gym almost everyday to do an hour of cardio and a half hour to an hour of lifting because she was training for a varsity team (she had no body fat at that time). It was a reminder that what I’ve been doing hasn’t been enough. Tell that to my sore forearms.

I am conflicted because even as I feel like I’m not doing enough, I walked 3 miles home today, and I rearranged my room (some moderate lifting required). Those activities are not nothing. Is it bad or unhealthy that my goal was to run 6 miles on top of that?

Categories: recovery, training